Collaborate Across all platforms
Enrich engagement across various teams including engineering, workorder management, & field operations
UNITI is a collaborative workspace for utilities to see their data, review it, talk about it, and plan for the future. UNITI works to provide automated data management tools, workflow automation, imagery annotation and markup, and collaboration processes.
Allow review requests and repair flags to escalate from inspection teams to supervisors and operation managers where work orders can be initiated.
Set preferences and navigate the notification center to align alerts, messages, and conversations with the way you work.
Comment on images and files, share to ask questions, and collaborate over data. Make decisions together and approve faster.
Collaborate and cooperate to enrich engagement across various teams including engineering, workorder management, and field operations. Help team members and stakeholders with different levels of technical knowledge understand the condition of your network and have conversations.
Partner with the leader in collaborative data management and deliver significant advantages to your customers and business. From our ecosystem to ongoing engagement, we strive for success.
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Avoid digitizing written notes & annotated line drawings. Instead, collect data digitally.
Combine design drawings, infrastructure plans, & inspection data in one place.
Turn reactive repair into proactively managed assets, reduce downtime, & optimize maintenance schedules.
Use Cases
Quickly pull asset data together into workorder & inspection reports before sending teams out.
Eliminate redundant truck rolls & unproductive field operations.
Enable rigorous & repeatable robotic & sensor data acquisition without the need for external contractors.
Remove integration & automation gaps, enabling teams to better focus on their work & get more done, faster.
Enrich engagement across various teams including engineering, workorder management, & field operations
Store all data in one place including automatically ingested imagery, manual uploads, digitized field notes, & more.
All data, no matter the format or the richness, is associated with an asset in UNITI.
Package outcomes into reports & work orders in UNITI or integrate with your work order manager.